Sunday, September 12, 2010


For me, clone is to make multiple identical copies of a DNA sequence. To understand cloning, we must first understand a few things about cells. All living things, from the simplest to the most complex, are made up of cells.

"clone" can refer to a group of cells that share the same genetic material or to two or more complete organisms that are genetically identical. That means that the clone is an exact copy of one of its parents (whereas we are made up of the combined features of both our parents).

I invited u to joint me play this game, i called that Mouse clone
Your mission is learn how to create a genetically identical>>

smiley Pictures, Images and Photos


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Makanan wajib yang perlu ada untuk saya ??

Telur rebus, kacang peas rebus, lobak and tomato makan begitu saja, sup taufu mix cendawan enoki..mmm...sedap!!

Sup taufu mix enoki yang sangat berkhasiat :

1. Cendawan enoki harganya rm 0.99 ( murahkan..)

2. Japanese taufu ( potong dadu )

3. Daun bawang

4. Garam secukup rasa

Cara memasak senang sahaja :

1. Biarkan air dalam kuali mendidih dan masukkan garam secukup rasa

2. kemudian masukkan taufu dan biarkan selama 5minute

3. Masukkan cendawan enoki dan biarkan selama 2 minute. ( tak payah terlalu

lama nanti khasiatnya hilang )

4. Sup boleh la diangkat dan jangan lupa taburkan daun bawang yah !!

5. Sedia untuk d makan..

Mari ikut saya untuk meninjau khasiat disebalik cendawan enoki dan taufu seperti santapan harian saya diatas....

tiptoe smiley Pictures, Images and Photos


Ikan bilis goreng kurang minyak, hotdog rebus, lobak mentah and bendi rebus...

Apa makanan wajib untuk saya?? Mesti la ulam-ulaman...nyumm nyumm...haha..kalau boleh la, dalam 1 minggu tu lauk saya mesti disertakan ulam. Mulai dari sekarang tanam azam kurang makan makanan yang berminyak. Menu utama saya mestilah ulam, contohnya lobak, tomato mentah (x mau di masak), bendi rebus, peria pun mesti makan mentah2 jadikan ulam, daun salad, sup taufu kosong..haha tak payah goreng..kan senang. Lagi satu saya gemar part2 nutrisi ni..cakap pasal nutrisi, penting untuk kesihatan dan kecantikan. Lepas ni saya akan ceritakan sedikit pasal nutrisi dalam pemakanan seharian kita dan pekara penting kenapa kita perlu ambil tahu pasal nutrisi semasa penyediaan makanan seharian kita.

Ceritanya begini.. tanpa kita sedari dalam kehidupan saharian kita, kita tidak tahu sama ada kita punya penyakit yang terpendam dimana kita sendiri pun tidak mengetahui akan kehadiranya, ianya sejenis penyakit yang akan muncul secara tiba-tiba dimana penyakit tu bertumbuh secara perlahan-lahan dalam tubuh kita. Penyakit tu akan keluar tiba pada masa yang sesuai mengikut usia kita dan penyakit tu akan menyerang tidak kira usia. Kita sendiri tidak menjangka akan kehadiran penyakit tersebut dan tidak sekali mengundang kehadiran penyakit tersebut. Tapi sebenarnya semua tu kita boleh elakkan sebelum terjadi. Bagaimana caranya?? apa kah punca disebalik semua yang berlaku??

Ok, saya rasa jawapanya kita semua tentu sudah sedia maklum..hehe..jangan pura-pura tidak tahu yah..apa kaitannya pula saya masukkan gambar makanan dalam blog saya ni?? nah..mestilah nak share dengan kamu semua pasal khasiat pemakanan. Penyakit boleh timbul dalam pelbagai jenis aspek antaranya dari segi pemakanan, aktivit seharian, faktor persekitaran, faktor keturunan(gen), faktor usia and so on...jadi dengan cara yang mudah dan ringan, kita boleh mengawal penyakit dari salah satu faktor yang saya listkan tadi iaitu melalui pemakanan. Segala sesuatu yang di ciptakan Tuhan punya fungsi yang tertentu. Tumbuh-tumbuhan dan sayur-sayuran pelbagi jenis yang ada bukan setakat untuk mengalas perut kita, tetapi juga punya fungsi tersendiri untuk mengelakkan dari pelbagai jenis penyakit. Kalau kata nak guna ubat -ubatan..ia nya punya kesan hanya seketika. Kenapa saya kata punya kesan hanya seketika? seperti yang pernah saya pelajari sebelum ni mengenai subjek Pharmacology and Toxciology..''Ubat'' hanya la sebagai penahan sakit atau boleh dikenali sebagai ''Pain Killer''...so apakah kesan di sebalik pain killer ni? ianya memang hebat kerana dapat mengawal segala rasa sakit. segala jenis herba tak dapat tandinginya kalau dari sudut ingin mendapat kesan yang cepat. Tapi kalau kita sendiri menyelidiki rahsia di sebalik pain killer di mana ianya boleh memberi penyembuhan dan dalam masa yang sama boleh memberi kesan kepada tubuh kita. Seperti mana yang telah dipelajari sebelum ini, contohnya berlaku kecederaan teruk pada mana-mana bahagian anggota tubuh kita, dalam masa yang sama prostaglandins di lepaskan( fungsi prostaglandins ialah mengaktifkan rasa sakit ), sistem saraf akan menghantar rasa sakit tersebut terus ke otak..tapi apa yang berlaku pada seseorang yang mengambil ubat ni?? sebenarnya rasa sakit itu ada..cuma drug yang di ambil oleh seseorang telah memberhentikan penghantaran isyarat sakit tu dari terus sampai ke otak..jadi rasa sakit tu tidak ada, tapi ada kesan di sebalik semua tu yah...pelajari lebih mendalam lagi tentang Pain killer >>> A , B , C

So jangan bergantung harap sangat pada ubat ubatan yang mengandungi kimia. Jaga la kesihatan anda dari sekarang. Sekarang saya nak kongsikan tentang khasiat sayur-sayuran seperti mana sayur yang saya masak dalam gambar di atas.

Mari ikut saya dalam laman blog saya yang seterusnya....

animated smiley Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Gambar atas: time ni sa antar my ex-cat kat rumah kwn saya. Time ni, c putun kurus sangat tau. Kitty ada owner baru uda., clay and wiilson, and Kitty had new name..namanya Putun..cute kan nama dia...

Hi there...lama da tak enter my new blog. k kali ni jan terkejut...c Putun tu bkn kucing lain...c Putun tu my ex-cat ''Kitty'' tpi sy minta tlg kawan sy..namanya Clay utk jaga dia..so Kitty dah jdi kepunyaan Clay and Clay berhak bgi nama bru untk dia..nama bru Kitty...C ''Putun''. tgk pic terbaru c Putun diatas...cute kan dia..besar panjang uda c Putun ni. Happy dia tggl ngan new owner dia yg penyayang. bgi dia mkn cukup, kasih syg pun cukup. Thanks for clay and her boyfriend wilson..hehe..klu kmu dua terbaca blog sy ni...tau2 jak la yah (^_^)v.

Thanks for Clay and Wilson coz take care Putun dgn baik2...dlu time sy tinggalkan c putun d perdana...dia kurus kering..tpi skg putun makin gemuk and sihat. God Bless sesiapa saja yg mencintai dan menghargai ciptaanNya.

C Putun skg happy, even tak tinggal ngan mothernya lg..tpi dia still ada keluarga baru..Putun ada adik beradik baru tau...Clay ckp first time nak jinak kan Putun and kucing2 peliharaan yg lain mmg susah...gaduh sj. tpi Putun ada istimewa sikit. kata Clay, dia terpaksa belikan c Putun tu sangkar sb takut gaduh ngan kucing2 nya yg lain. syg btl c Clay ngan Putun, sanggup belikan sangkar yg mahal utk Putun. Kata Clay, c Putun manja btl ngan dia..biasala...haiwan bila d jaga dgn baik2, dia mesti syg tuannya dgn cara bermanja2.

Introducing for new family of Putun...

Pitom ( minta maaf kepada tuan punya pic clay and wilson..sa p copy paste sni blog sa..hehe

Picot memang alawa la kucing ko Clay

Pupu..mumynya c Picot and Pitom...hehe, juga ibu baru kepada Putun

Rasanya...sampai sini dlu cerita c Putun yah...klu ada berita dari kawan saya, nti sa buat new post lg pasal c Putun...

Monday, June 21, 2010


5. Cornish Rex Cat

4. American Curl Cat ( Shorthair )

2. American Wirehair Cat

1. Sphynx Cat ( thay're so loving cat..suka menggesel2kan badan kat tuannya )


6. Teacup Cat..( very small like teacup lol!! )

5. Tabby Cat ( How cute i am...Thanks God!! )

4. Manx Cat ( cat without tail..hehe..cute lol!! )

3. Napoleon Cat ( im result cross between Munchkin+Himalayan+Persians+exotic shorthair )

2. Munchkin Cat ( OMG u must be joke..im so cute..hehe,..)

1. Scottish Fold Cat ( overload cute lol!! )

Saturday, June 19, 2010


10. Turkish Van Cat

9. Siberian Cat

8. Turkish Angora Cat

7. RagaMuffin Cat

6. Persian Cat

5. Siamese Cat( Traditional-Thai )

4. Maine Coon Cat

3. Norwegian Forest Cat

2. Birman Cat

1. Ragdoll Cat

Saturday, May 8, 2010

About Cat


  • The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or housecat to distinguish it from other felines and felids, is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin and household pests.
  • Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and are currently the most popular pet in the world.Due to their close association with humans, cats are now found almost everywhere on Earth.
  • This extreme adaptability and their worrying impacts on native animals has led to them being classed as an invasive species. Most of these problems are caused by the large number of feral cats worldwide, with a population of up to 60 million of these animals in the United States alone.
  • Cats are similar in size and anatomy to the other felids, with light, flexible bodies and teeth adapted to killing small prey. A skilled predator, the cat hunts using its excellent eyesight and hearing. Unusually, cats have lost the ability to taste sugar. Some breeds show hereditary deafness.
  • As The New York Times wrote in 2007, "Until recently the cat was commonly believed to have been domesticated in ancient Egypt, where it was a cult animal."A study that year found that the lines of descent of all house cats probably run through as few as five self-domesticating African Wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) circa 8000 BC, in the Near East.The earliest direct evidence of cat domestication is a kitten that was buried with its owner 9,500 years ago in Cyprus.


  • Cats have excellent night vision and can function at only one-sixth the light level required for human vision.This is partly the result of cat eyes having a tapetum lucidum, which reflects any light that passes through the retina back into the eye, thereby increasing the eye's sensitivity to dim light. Another adaptation to dim light is the large pupils of cats' eyes.
  • Unlike some big cats, such as tigers, domestic cats have slit pupils.These slit pupils can focus bright light without chromatic aberration, and are needed since the domestic cat's pupils are much larger, relative to their eyes, than the pupils of the big cats. Indeed, at low light levels a cat's pupils will expand to cover most of the exposed surface of its eyes.
  • However, domestic cats have rather poor color vision and can only see two colors: blue and green, and are less able to distinguish between red and green, although they can achieve this in some conditions.
  • Cats have excellent hearing and can detect an extremely broad range of frequencies. They can hear higher-pitched sounds than either dogs or humans, detecting frequencies from 55 Hz up to 79 kHz, a range of 10.5 octaves; while humans can only hear from 31 Hz up to 18 kHz, and dogs hear from 67 Hz to 44 kHz, which are both ranges of about 9 octaves.
  • Cats do not use this ability to hear ultrasound for communication but it is probably important in hunting, since many species of rodents make ultrasonic calls. Cats' hearing is also extremely sensitive and is among the best of any mammal, being most acute in the range of 500 Hz to 32 kHz.
  • This sensitivity is further enhanced by the cat's large movable outer ears (their pinnae), which both amplify sounds and help a cat sense the direction from which a noise is coming.
  • Cats have an acute sense of smell, which is due in part to their well-developed olfactory bulb and also to a large surface of olfactory mucosa, in cats this mucosa is about 5.8 cm2 in area, which is about twice that of humans and only 1.7-fold less than the average dog.
  • Cats are very sensitive to pheromones such as 3-Mercapto-3-methylbutan-1-ol, which they use to communicate through urine spraying and marking with scent glands. Cats also respond strongly to plants such as catnip which contains nepetalactone, as they can detect this substance at less than one part per billion. This response is also produced by other plants, such as Silver Vine and Valerian, and may be caused by the smell of these plants mimicking a pheromone and stimulating cats' social or sexual behaviors.
  • Due to a mutation in an early cat ancestor, one of two genes necessary to taste sweetness may have been lost by the cat family. Their taste buds instead respond to amino acids, bitter tastes and acids.
  • To aid with navigation and sensation, cats have dozens of movable vibrissaeblink reflexes to protect the eyes from damage.(whiskers) over their body, especially their face
  • These provide information on the width of gaps and on the location of objects in the dark, both by touching objects directly and by sensing air currents; they also trigger protective
  • Free-ranging cats are active both day and night, although they tend to be slightly more active at night.
  • The timing of cats' activity is quite flexible and varied, which means that house cats may be more active in the morning and evening (crepuscular behavior), as a response to greater human activity at these times.
  • House cats have territories that vary quite a lot in size, in one study ranging from seven to 28 hectares. Although they spend the majority of their time in the vicinity of their home, they can range many hundreds of meters from this central point.
  • Cats conserve energy by sleeping more than most animals, especially as they grow older. The daily duration of sleep varies, usually 12–16 hours, with 13–14 being the average. Some cats can sleep as much as 20 hours in a 24-hour period.
  • The term cat nap refers to the cat's ability to fall asleep (lightly) for a brief period and has entered the English lexicon—someone who nods off for a few minutes is said to be "taking a cat nap". During sleep cats experience short periods of rapid eye movement sleepdreaming. accompanied by muscle twitches, which suggests that they are


  • In contrast, feral cats are generally silent. Their types of body language: position of ears and tail, relaxation of whole body, kneading of paws, are all indicators of mood.
  • The tail and ears are particularly important social signal in cats, with a raised tail acting as a friendly greeting. Tail raising also indicates the cat's position in the group's social hierarchy, with dominant individuals raising their tails less often than subordinate animals.
  • Nose-touching is also a common greeting and may be followed by social grooming, which is solicited by one of the cats raising and tilting its head. However, some pet cats are poorly socialized.
  • In particular older cats may show aggressiveness towards newly-arrived kittens, which may include biting and scratching; this type of behavior is known as Feline Asocial Aggression.
  • For cats, life in proximity with humans (and other animals kept by humans) amounts to a "symbiotic social adaptation". They may express great affection towards their human companions, especially if they imprint on them at a very young age and are treated with consistent affection.
  • It has been suggested that, ethologically, the human keeper of a cat functions as a sort of surrogate for the cat's mother, and that adult domestic cats live their lives in a kind of extended kittenhood, a form of behavioral neoteny.
  • Conversely, the high-pitched purrs cats make to solicit food may mimic the cries of a hungry human infant, making them particularly hard for humans to ignore.

With love from, atie.